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Supplier Spotlight: The Aromatherapist

Something that's really important to me at Moon Spirit Organics is supporting other local, quality businesses when sourcing ingredients.

The Aromatherapist in Guelph, Ontario, is where I get most of my essential oils from and here's why!

  • This family company has been around 30 years and is female owned

  • They sell organic and wild crafted oils

  • Their essential oils are bottled and labeled under the control of Eco-Cert EU

  • On their labels you can find out which part of the plant was used, the country of origin, the cultivation method, and the expiration date.

Not many companies disclose this information. But I like full transparency!

Here's a little quote from their website to help you understand the importance of third party verification:

"There are many companies distributing essential oils, particularly in the Multi-Level Marketing Arena, that claim to ‘control’ their oils for quality and purity. Unfortunately, when the Supplier plays the role of verifying quality and purity, the control can’t help but be compromised by their vested interest. On the other hand, when an internationally recognized certification body is playing that role, consumers can be assured that all of the information being provided to them is traceable and verifiable, through an unbiased third party."

Essential oils are a valuable and potent tool for so many reasons, but there is a science and art to their use. At this point, I don't have a desire to do a deep dive into essential oil education, so it's important that I use a trusted source in my formulations.

Feel free to visit their website for more information :)

In all my choices, I really want what's best for you and the planet

With love, Johanna

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