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What’s to Love? This Full Moon Bath ritual is as mysterious and sacred as the night sky itself. Celtic Sea Salt, Magnesium Chloride flakes and a touch of detoxifying charcoal help bring relaxation to the body. Gorgeous Roses, Lavender, and Cornflower float across the water lending their plant wisdom to our full hearts.



Set the scene for your bath: Add candlelight, a diffuser, herbal tea, or anything else that invites tranquility and the sacred into the room  Add a sprinkle of Full Moon bath to hot water and allow your beautiful body to soak for as long as possible.  Tune into your body and make space for any emotions that are coming up to the surface for healing. The Full Moon is  a potent time, ripe with power, clarity, and depth. When you’re ready, consider what needs to be released in your life, and as you empty the bath, imagine those things going down the drain, back to the Great Mother for healing.


Note: The charcoal may leave a light ring around the tub, so use a little soap to scrub it away. You might also find a little charcoal left on your skin, so ideally, end the bath with a quick soapy shower.

Full Moon Bath Ritual 10oz

    • Celtic Sea Salt
    • Magnesium Chloride Flakes
    • *Lavender
    • *Roses
    • *Cornflower
    • Charcoal Powder
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